Today marks the official launch of Chorus Battle Radio! Thank you everyone for helping the rest of the staff team and I reach our goal of 300 members in the official Discord server! Your support means a lot to us!
Anyways, just in case anyone hasn’t been keeping up with Chorus Battle Central on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Discord, Chorus Battle Radio (CB Radio or CBR for short) is a special project that we’ve been working on behind the scenes for a while now. Its existence was first hinted at in this tweet. Inspiration for CBR was drawn from the live radio streams run by the following YouTubers: NateWantsToBattle, Tara St. Michel, Lollia, and SadSynth.
Here are a few fun facts about Chorus Battle Radio:
The purpose of CBR is to feature a variety of chorus battle entries that we’ve received permission to use for the project.
We’ll be conducting live interviews with members from the Youtaite community on occasion.
In the near future, we might accept requests for specific chorus battle entries to feature on CBR.
We won’t be accepting donations during the CBR live streams unless there’s a member among us with a need that can be met financially.
CBR will be broadcast on Joe's YouTube channel during his days off from work.
That’s all for today! What do you think about our new project?